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How Being Underweight or Overweight Can Endanger Your Heart Feb 6th, 2025

As part of the 57th annual American Heart Month, our Valentine to you is to help you understand how to keep your heart as healthy as possible for as long as possible. While you may have heard that obesity and excess weight can stress your heart, did you know that...

What an Echocardiogram Can Reveal About Your Heart Jan 20th, 2025

Any time your doctor orders an unfamiliar test, it’s normal to feel a little anxious. So when you hear that you need to have an echocardiogram (aka “echo”), you may wonder why your doctor thinks it’s necessary and what it might reveal about your heart health. An echocardiogram is a...

Should I Be Worried About Heart Palpitations? Dec 17th, 2024

You’re well aware that heart disease is the No. 1 killer in the United States among adult women and men of most races and ethnicities. So when your heart starts to skip beats, flutter, or flop, naturally you’re concerned. Heart palpitations are common arrhythmias that usually don’t indicate that anything...

Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Chest Pain Dec 13th, 2024

While there are many harmless causes of chest pain, such as indigestion or heartburn, it’s never worth the risk of " waiting and seeing.” The good news is that the chances of chest pain being heart-related are low. However, that risk increases with certain risk factors, such as age and...

Telehealth: The Advantages of Telemedicine Dec 2nd, 2024

The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered dramatic changes throughout everyday life — and in the medical community as well. Not only are providers across the country postponing elective procedures, but many are also encouraging people to avoid in-office appointments to reduce their risk of exposure to this highly contagious coronavirus.But what...

What is Cardiac Amyloidosis? Sep 17th, 2020

Cardiac Amyloidosis is a disease that can affect the heart caused by abnormal proteins that can deposit in the heart. This can cause stiffness of the heart, affecting its ability to pump blood leading to heart rhythm problems and heart failure. There are two types of Cardiac Amyloidosis: -Hereditary (familial) amyloidosis-there is...

GREETING May 9th, 2020

COVID 19 May 1st, 2020